Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lake Jackson Subsidizes Cat Owners

After years of complaints by desperate neighbors the City of Lake Jackson has began to subsidize cat owners. In a recent move the city fathers removed 46 cats from a home. The home of an elderly couple and their grown son was damaged by the two dozen cats living inside the home and the other cats roaming outside the home. The house was deemed uninhabitable by the city and the couple was moved to a temporary residence at the expense of the city. The cats were taken to the local  SPCA who put down the sick cats & gave the other cats to folks who let them roam free by law.The inside cats were treated and wait to be returned to the owners so they can re-start the process of passing parasites and disease to the neighbors pets & children or damaging private property at will. Boat owners look out-your cover is in danger. Lake Jackson is home of numerous bird sanctuaries, wildlife refuges, the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, the Brazosport Birders and the Texas Sea Center. City officials have decided cat owners are a a lot scarier citizen than scientists or birders. The mayor recently said in council he has never seen a free roaming cats in his neighborhood full of high dollar homes on the lake lots wooded areas of Lake Jackson Farms.