Truth is a terrible burden for society. Always needed in the present tense; truth often seems unsuitable to the actual problem. Most of us use denial to avoid the day to day problem of an unsuitable or inconvienent truth. We believe the consequencenses do not exist or can be avoided or ignored. Denial often substitutes an intentional type of ignorance, prejudice, or hate in place of reason. The rational of science or fair play goes out the window when the emotions that accompany change rise to the public arena. Situational ethics generally apply in these cases. When this happens the very worst part of denial occurs. The part that does all the damage. Delay.
When truth is ignored delay is the inevitable consequence. Delay, in the case of free roaming feral or domestic cats is causing an avian disaster. The effects will be so far reaching we may never know the full extent of the total damage until it is too late. Cats are reported by the American Bird Conservancy to be the main invasive species causing new avian extinctions and that of many other species. Google it. None of it is good. Consider the common Norway rat. We know there are more Norway rats than native rodents where cats are residing. Where there are no cats there are less imported rats and more indigenous mice. We know cats carry disease harmful to a fetus. It is one of the first things a doctor warns an expectant mother to be careful about. Cats leave diseases that can lie dormant and undetected for as long as 18 months. Right on your porch, in your flower bed, garden or where your children play. We know the bird/cat/man vortex may give us a virus that could decimate our population and ruin our economy. We know our taxes and insurance average forty percent of our house payment in Texas. We know our rights. We know we pay for these rights to hold private property, have sensible public health protection, safe public property & the protection of our natural resources. We know our elected officials answer to the voters and that many have free roaming cats or maintain feral cats. However, we also know we elected these people to answer hard unpopular questions in a well reasoned manner.
Knowing these things we must address the problem of free roaming cats in a manner that will be comprehensive and conclusive. Policy from on high must accompany the law to accomplish the intended goals. To remove and restrict free roaming cats from public and private property where cats are not wanted or not allowed we must act boldly and decisively. We must break the long established paradigm of free roaming and discarded pets in Texas. We must change the way we own pets, breed pets, and sell pets. Licensed owners, registered pets, licensed breeders, licensed sellers and the regulation of all handlers of all wild or feral animals must come about to insure the desired results. The truth is always the fruits of policy. Our current law and policy is regrettable on many levels and unacceptable on most. The consequences of lost wildlife, endangered citizens, damaged personal property and discarded property rights are more than most can stand. The loss of public health if a serious virus is passed by the 200 million cats to the three hundred million citizens is unimaginable. The future damage is where the fat will be cut from the bone. Then the truth and consequences of our present response will show it self to be worthy or without merit.
When truth is ignored delay is the inevitable consequence. Delay, in the case of free roaming feral or domestic cats is causing an avian disaster. The effects will be so far reaching we may never know the full extent of the total damage until it is too late. Cats are reported by the American Bird Conservancy to be the main invasive species causing new avian extinctions and that of many other species. Google it. None of it is good. Consider the common Norway rat. We know there are more Norway rats than native rodents where cats are residing. Where there are no cats there are less imported rats and more indigenous mice. We know cats carry disease harmful to a fetus. It is one of the first things a doctor warns an expectant mother to be careful about. Cats leave diseases that can lie dormant and undetected for as long as 18 months. Right on your porch, in your flower bed, garden or where your children play. We know the bird/cat/man vortex may give us a virus that could decimate our population and ruin our economy. We know our taxes and insurance average forty percent of our house payment in Texas. We know our rights. We know we pay for these rights to hold private property, have sensible public health protection, safe public property & the protection of our natural resources. We know our elected officials answer to the voters and that many have free roaming cats or maintain feral cats. However, we also know we elected these people to answer hard unpopular questions in a well reasoned manner.
Knowing these things we must address the problem of free roaming cats in a manner that will be comprehensive and conclusive. Policy from on high must accompany the law to accomplish the intended goals. To remove and restrict free roaming cats from public and private property where cats are not wanted or not allowed we must act boldly and decisively. We must break the long established paradigm of free roaming and discarded pets in Texas. We must change the way we own pets, breed pets, and sell pets. Licensed owners, registered pets, licensed breeders, licensed sellers and the regulation of all handlers of all wild or feral animals must come about to insure the desired results. The truth is always the fruits of policy. Our current law and policy is regrettable on many levels and unacceptable on most. The consequences of lost wildlife, endangered citizens, damaged personal property and discarded property rights are more than most can stand. The loss of public health if a serious virus is passed by the 200 million cats to the three hundred million citizens is unimaginable. The future damage is where the fat will be cut from the bone. Then the truth and consequences of our present response will show it self to be worthy or without merit.